
Conformado y Corte, S.A., is ARMON’s production center for cutting and deforming steel.
It s capacity is sufficient to allow it to supply deformed steel parts and materials to outside companies.
With 7,400 square meters of covered surface, it has 7 gantry cranes with lifting capacities of between 5 and 40 tons.
It also has a modern oxy-cutting system and 3 state-of-the-art plasma machines.

It has the ISO-9001 quality assurance standard
and Environmental Guarantee ISO-14001


      - Headquarters -

      Av. Del Pardo, s/n

     33710 Navia (Spain)

     Tlf.: +(34) 985 631 464

     Fax: +(34) 985 631 701

Service and Guarantee